Articles written by: Paulina Calistru

A lifelong resident of New York City who is passionate about housing rights, immigration justice, public policy and the right to self-determination.

Demand Equitable Repairs to Century-Old Sewer System

New York City is battling with a century old drainage system that leaves apartments under water, floods subway systems, and turns streets into rivers. Meanwhile, Mayor Eric Adams has just provided new sewers and water mains to his home neighborhood of southwest Queens. Demand that he turn his eye to the rest of the city and make a plan to fix the entire sewer system.

Demand Amazon Stop Union-Busting Efforts

Amazon is facing its second unionization attempt in two years and responding with anti-union propaganda. One Staten Island location is battling unfair union busting efforts from upper management. Demand that the multibillion-dollar company allow their workers to freely exercise their right to unionize and fight for better work conditions.

Demand Ted Cruz Apologize for Racist Comments

Senator Ted Cruz criticized Supreme Court Judge Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson’s alleged support of critical race theory. Using a children’s book as evidence, Cruz challenged Judge Jackson’s qualifications on racist and politically motivated grounds. Demand that Cruz immediately apologize for his inappropriate, irrelevant and racist tirade.

Demand the Immediate Investigation of Jetliner Following Plane Crash

A Boeing commercial airplane fell from the sky and disappeared over China’s Guangxi region. Over a hundred passengers are now missing. Demand the removal of all 737-800 jetliners from operation and the Federal Aviation Administration’s immediate reevaluation of Boeing’s aircraft.

Stop the Use of Invasive and Racist Detection Technology

New York City has released plans to use unregulated, untested, invasive facial recognition software in their battle against gun violence. Such technologies, in addition to being experimental and ineffective, are racially biased programs that threaten to attack communities of color. Stop the implementation of harmful recognition technologies.

Protect the Right to Record Police Violence

The right of concerned bystanders to film and document police misconduct is under attack in New York. Stop this assault on civil liberties.

Address Reportedly Horrendous Living Conditions at Residential Property

A property management company has reportedly ignored complaints filed by residents of their newly acquired rent-stabilized building. Egregious conditions, including an abhorrent rat infestation, have allegedly rendered the tenants’ building unlivable. Demand that this company address the needs of their tenants.

Close Inhumane, For-Profit Migrant Detention Centers

Migrant detention centers previously cited for egregious conditions are still open, despite the reduction of migrant children in need. Demand the immediate closure of the remaining for-profit migration shelters, specifically Fort Bliss in Texas, and the establishment of adequate nonprofit migrant care systems.

Limit Rent Increases and Protect the Right to Affordable Housing

Excessive, uncapped rent increases have reduced New York City’s affordable housing and increased the population of priced out, vulnerable tenants. Demand essential protections for tenants against abusive landlords.

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