Articles written by: Mariz Bartley

A recent graduate who studied environmental justice and sustainability and urban development, based in San Francisco. She strongly believes that together, we have the power to bring to light the issues we face and find solutions to them.

Success: China’s Ban on Foreign Waste Could Reduce Ocean Plastic Pollution

This year a ban on 24 types of waste, including electronic waste, became law in China. This addresses environmental and human health concerns, and could lead to a reduction in plastic pollution going into our oceans. Sign the petition to applaud the Ministry of Environmental Protection for its efforts.

Success: Shop Owner Held Accountable for Selling Endangered Animal Products

A San Francisco shop owner was sentenced to three years of probation, 500 hours of community service, and $3,599 in penalties for possessing and selling endangered animal products. Animals used included ocelots, jaguars, and snow leopards, which are endangered and threatened species. Thank District Attorney George Gascon for charging the offender and helping prevent more poaching.

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