Jacob Degen Atkins is a multimedia journalist committed to covering progressive international politics in the digital era. Previously he lived in Madrid where he taught English, freelanced for Vera Content, and wrote issue briefs for Law Street Media. He often writes about American foreign policy in Latin America and immigration debates in the U.S. Some past projects include producing a non-profit documentary in Haiti eight months after the 2010 earthquake and reporting on student demonstrations in Santiago, Chile.
Rhode Island is taking decisive action to prevent future gun tragedies. These initiatives are the appropriate responses in the midst of a national gun violence epidemic. Congratulate the Ocean State governor for these reformist measures while urging continued action.
Irish citizens recently voted to overturn a constitutional ban on abortion. Sign the petition to congratulate organizers for this monumental breakthrough in women’s rights and reproductive health.
A mink farm in southwestern Ontario faces 14 counts of animal abuse after an undercover investigation revealed ¨filthy¨ living conditions. Footage appeared to show distressed minks with neglected open wounds in maggot-ridden environments. Sign the petition to congratulate the animal welfare organization for initiating the formal charges and bringing justice to the victims of the global fur industry.
More than 80 cats and dogs were removed from a breeding facility where they reportedly suffered from neglect and infection. The owner was recently banned from owning pets for the next seven years. Sign the petition below to thank Canadian authorities for protecting more animals from becoming victims of this alleged abuser.
A reporter who called Black people “primates” and suggested women who seek abortions be treated as murderers has been fired from the Atlantic. Sign this petition to thank a watchdog journalism group that helped expose his history of dangerous rhetoric.