Articles written by: Hannah Elizabeth

Success: Kiwis Taken Off Endangered Species List

Two species of kiwis have been removed from the endangered species list. Sign this petition to applaud New Zealand’s Department of Conservation for its extraordinary efforts to protect kiwis.

Success: Mexico Creates Enormous Protected Marine Reserve

A newly-created marine park will provide a pristine habitat for endangered sea turtles, whales, sharks, and manta rays. Applaud the Mexican government for protecting our oceans.

Success: UK Will Support Banning Pesticide That Endangers Bees

The UK will support a Europe-wide ban of neonicotinoids, a type of pesticide that has been linked to declining bee populations. Applaud the UK for their commitment to protecting bees.

Success: China Shuts Down Polluting Factories

China’s Ministry of Environment is shutting down factories to force compliance with environmental protection laws. Sign this petition to thank the Chinese government for enforcing laws to improve air quality.

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