Articles written by: Claire Muehleisen

I graduated from the Evergreen State College in 2018 with a degree in Art and Creative Writing. My deepest passions have always been the environment and our natural wonders. Fighting climate change is one of the great battles of my generation and I feel very strongly that I must contibute to that fight in any way I can. Environmentalism is an intersectional issue that disproprtionatly affects our most vulnerable community members and as such, it is up to the most privildged of us to do something about it.

Success: Georgia Passes Hate Crime Bill After the Killing of Ahmaud Arbery

In the wake of the murder of 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery, Georgia has finally passed a long-delayed hate crimes bill. Thank the governor for signing this important law.

Success: Migrant Children to Be Released From Family Detention Centers

Migrant children who are confined in US detention centers will soon be freed, thanks to the hard work of immigration advocates. This is an important development for human rights and public health in the wake of the devastating coronavirus pandemic. Thank those who fought to free these children.

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