Articles written by: Brittany McSorley

Writer. Sandwich enthusiast. Theatre geek. Lover of Harry Potter. Oy with the poodles already.

Success: Democrats Preserve Federal Arts Funding

Arts funding, including money for PBS and NPR, has been saved from potential cuts. Add your name to applaud this protection of the arts.

Success: Sanctuary City Defunding Order Blocked

Donald Trump tried to use an executive order to withhold funding from sanctuary cities that protect immigrants from deportation. Applaud the U.S. judge who blocked this order.

Success: Texas Voter ID Law Ruled Discriminatory

A federal judge has ruled that a Texas voter ID law was designed to discriminate against minorities. Applaud this decision and show your support for reform of discriminatory voting laws.

Success: Twitter Protects Free Speech For Anti-Trump Account

A federal lawsuit demanding information about an anti-Trump Twitter account has been dropped. Applaud Twitter for protecting the privacy and free speech of its users.

Success: White Supremacist Removed From National Security Council

White supremacist Steve Bannon has been removed from the National Security Council. Applaud the removal of this unfit adviser.

Success: North Carolina Bathroom Law Repealed

The North Carolina “bathroom bill” has been repealed. Applaud this step toward eliminating discrimination against transgender American citizens.

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