Investigate Paramedic Accused of Felony Animal Cruelty

Target: Gaston County District Attorney’s Office

Goal: Prosecute and hold accountable McKenna Dawn Mattson for the alleged felony cruelty to animals.

In a deeply troubling incident in Gaston County, a paramedic, identified as McKenna Dawn Mattson, has been charged with felony cruelty to animals. This serious charge raises alarming concerns about the treatment of animals by individuals entrusted with care and compassion. Given her position within the community as a paramedic since December 2017, the allegations against her are particularly shocking and warrant immediate attention and action.

The details surrounding the circumstances of the alleged cruelty remain unclear, as authorities have not disclosed what led up to Mattson’s arrest. However, the very fact that a person in a healthcare role has been accused of such a grave offense against animals should serve as a call to action for the community and local authorities. Retaining individuals in positions of public trust while they face serious legal charges undermines the integrity of the systems designed to protect both human and animal welfare, raising concerns about accountability and justice.

It is imperative that appropriate legal measures are taken to address and respond to these allegations. Holding McKenna Dawn Mattson accountable for the alleged crime of cruelty to animals is not only necessary for the sake of justice but also vital for restoring public trust in community services. Demand that the Gaston County District Attorney’s Office pursue prosecution for these charges in order to ensure justice is served.


Dear Gaston County District Attorney’s Office,

It has come to public attention that McKenna Dawn Mattson, a paramedic with Gaston County, has been charged with felony cruelty to animals. This alarming news raises significant concerns about the treatment of vulnerable animals in our community and the responsibilities held by those in positions meant to protect them. The gravity of these allegations cannot be overstated, as they reflect directly on the community’s trust in its healthcare and emergency service personnel.

Despite the lack of details regarding the circumstances surrounding these charges, the very notion that an individual charged with such a serious crime remains in employment is troubling. The community deserves to know that those employed in public service roles uphold the highest standards of ethical behavior. Therefore, it is crucial that appropriate legal action is pursued against McKenna Dawn Mattson, ensuring accountability for her alleged actions.

We respectfully urge the Gaston County District Attorney’s Office to take immediate and decisive action to prosecute McKenna Dawn Mattson for her alleged felony cruelty to animals. Justice must be served to protect vulnerable lives and uphold the integrity of our community services.


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Photo credit: Pixabay

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151 Signatures

  • Colleen Auernig
  • Michelle Broskey
  • Michelle Cook
  • Celana Bingham
  • Carolyn Swan
  • patricia calebrese
  • patricia calebrese
  • patricia calebrese
  • patricia calebrese
  • Robbin LaPorta
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