Demand Justice for 127 Animals Allegedly Suffering From Parasites, Infection, and Starvation

Target: Matthew J. Weintraub, District Attorney of Bucks County, Pennsylvania

Goal: Hold woman accountable for alleged cruelty and neglect towards 127 farm animals.

The alleged conditions at Narrow Way Farm have shocked the local community and many animal welfare advocates. Reports indicate that Abigail Tuttle O’Keeffe, 53, presided over what investigators called one of the worst cases of animal abuse in Bucks County history. Authorities rescued more than 100 animals, including pigs, goats, and sheep, many of whom were reportedly suffering from severe infections, parasites, and chronic health issues. Tragically, some animals allegedly lost their lives due to neglect, including a severely emaciated goat that died on the scene and another that required euthanasia after weeks of care.

Further details shed light on the alleged neglect and poor management at the farm. It has been reported that the animals were fed a substandard diet with virtually no nutritional value, exacerbating their untreated health problems. Investigators allege that O’Keeffe disregarded the recommendations of her staff, opting instead for questionable remedies rather than providing proper veterinary care. Witnesses claim that past efforts to address the concerns led to no appropriate action, putting numerous animals at continuous risk. The disturbing scale and chronic nature of this reported neglect necessitate a strong response to ensure accountability and justice for the animals involved.

The demand is clear: appropriate legal action must be taken against O’Keeffe for her alleged crimes, ensuring that she is held responsible for the suffering of these animals. The community deserves to see justice served in cases of such apparent cruelty, which not only impacts animal welfare but also sets a dangerous precedent for future animal care practices.


Dear District Attorney Matthew J. Weintraub,

It has come to light that Abigail Tuttle O’Keeffe allegedly engaged in horrendous acts of animal cruelty and neglect at Narrow Way Farm, resulting in the rescue of 127 suffering animals. Reports indicate that many of these animals were in dire conditions, afflicted with chronic health issues and malnourishment. Tragically, some have reportedly died due to the negligence, with one goat found emaciated and another euthanized after weeks of intensive care.

The evidence suggests a systematic failure to provide adequate care for these animals, with allegations that O’Keeffe instructed staff to administer only over-the-counter treatments while disregarding proper veterinary care. Community members have expressed concern over the apparent chaotic management of the farm and accumulated suffering of the animals involved. This case seems to represent not just an individual failure, but a pressing need for accountability in animal welfare practices in our community.

We urge you to take appropriate legal action against Abigail Tuttle O’Keeffe for her alleged role in this case of animal cruelty and neglect. Justice must be served to ensure that those who harm vulnerable creatures are held accountable for their actions and to prevent further tragedies in the future.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Pixabay


  1. Avatar photo 1Bleedingheart Wolf says:

    I honestly don’t know what is wrong with these kind of people that have farms or sanctuaries and I understand they have the intent to do good but it becomes overwhelming and maybe too expensive for them.

    And, when that happens they should consider calling Peta or humane society…. someone who can come in like an organization step in and help these animals out which they will always do and never turn you down.

    In my opinion, there is absolutely no excuse in this entire world or universe for anyone to allow God’s creatures to suffer in this way you have to be a complete dumbass!!!!

  2. I am not surprised; Pennsylvania does not have a good record when it comes to animal welfare and protections, and they don’t appear to care about that either. If you can’t get up the guts to enact stronger and better animal welfare laws then at least enforce the laws you do have. This woman willfully neglected these animals, disregarding staff input and giving them bogus medications when she cared enough to do anything at all. Jail, fines, loss of all property where these animals suffered, and a lifetime ban on animal contact.

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