Don’t Endorse “Humane” Label That Lets Chickens Suffer and Die on Factory Farms

Target: Kitty Block, President and CEO, Humane Society of the United States

Goal: Stop the Humane Society of the United States from supporting the “Better Chicken Commitment” that permits horrific suffering of chickens in factory farms.

Current practices entrenched within the so-called “Better Chicken Commitment” continue to allow chickens to experience extreme distress and suffering throughout their lives under the guise of animal welfare. Chickens subjected to this scheme endure life in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions, accelerating their growth to slaughter weight under perilous circumstances. These severe conditions lead to numerous ailments like breast blisters, hock burns, and debilitating obesity. Shockingly, chickens are often violently killed when they are merely 6-7 weeks old, having never experienced a shred of humane treatment in their brief, agonizing existence.

In addition, these chickens, genetically modified for rapid growth, have been reduced to creatures incapable of engaging in natural behaviors, resulting in a life of torment. PETA highlights that over 8 billion chickens are killed for their flesh annually in the U.S., with many suffering horrific treatment while falsely labeled as “Animal Welfare Certified.” The Humane Society of the United States, by endorsing these misleading practices, is seen to be complicit in perpetuating this cycle of cruelty, which deceives consumers into believing they are making humane choices.

It is crucial for animal welfare organizations to take a definitive stand against factory farming. The “Better Chicken Commitment” does not offer true solutions; instead, it allows consumers to believe they are supporting ethical practices while the reality remains starkly different. Urgent action is needed to end this form of humane-washing. The call is made to stop supporting factory farms and recognize that no form of factory farming can be humane.


Dear Ms. Block,

The “Better Chicken Commitment,” which the Humane Society of the United States supports, allows for the continuation of dreadful suffering endured by chickens in factory farming. Disturbingly, these animals live in abysmal conditions, where overcrowding and confinement reportedly lead to rampant disease and chronic pain. The forced genetic modifications to accelerate their growth only serve to compound their suffering, as they are bred to reach slaughter weight at an unconscionably young age.

Additionally, these practices lead to numerous health issues among the birds, including debilitating deformities and ailments that compromise their quality of life. When the chickens reach only 6-7 weeks of age, they are crammed into crates and transported under inhumane conditions to slaughterhouses where many are subjected to horrifying killing methods. These extreme and painful realities starkly contrast with the compassionate image projected by organizations that advocate for animal welfare.

We urge you to withdraw support from the “Better Chicken Commitment” and advocate for a true humane treatment of all animals. The continued endorsement of factory farming practices tarnishes the mission of your organization and contributes to consumer deception. Please stand against humane-washing and work towards promoting genuine animal welfare by informing the public that no form of factory farming can be humane.


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Photo credit: Pixabay

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