**Target:** Alexei Bacha, CEO of Bacha Coffee
**Goal:** End the sale of kopi luwak coffee and hold those responsible for the abuse of civet cats accountable.
A recent investigation by PETA Asia has reportedly unveiled horrifying conditions at farms producing kopi luwak, or civet cat coffee. Reports indicate that the Asian palm civet cats are kept in overcrowded cages, encrusted with feces while suffering from malnutrition, open wounds, and other severe health issues. Many of these cats are purportedly subjected to extreme psychological distress, manifesting as zoochosis, due to their confinement in these squalid conditions. One particularly alarming case described a civet cat that was too weak to stand, and after receiving veterinary care, unfortunately, could not be saved, reportedly leaving its owner indifferent to its fate.
Further alarming findings include the alleged presence of other animals, such as binturongs, being illegally housed and fed coffee cherries to mislead consumers into thinking their products are genuinely sourced. These apparent deplorable practices not only violate animal welfare standards but also pose a danger to public health, as civet cats have reportedly been identified as potential intermediaries for diseases that could leap to humans. Beyond the ethical implications of using animals for novelty products, the consequences of such exploitation could extend into global health crises.
Immediate action to address these abuses is imperative. Demand that the sale of kopi luwak is halted and those reportedly involved in the cruelty towards civet cats are held legally accountable, enforcing the protection that these vulnerable species desperately need.
Dear Mr. Bacha,
Recent investigations by PETA Asia have reportedly uncovered deeply troubling practices within the civet cat coffee industry, particularly at Bacha Coffee suppliers. Allegations suggest that Asian palm civet cats are kept in distressing conditions, confined in filth-ridden cages, where they suffer from malnutrition, open wounds, and severe psychological distress.
Moreover, it has come to light that some suppliers are allegedly mislabeling coffee products, misleading consumers about the origins of their civet coffee while subjecting other wildlife to similar mistreatment. The potential health risks associated with this industry, including the spread of zoonotic diseases, are alarming, particularly in the context of recent pandemics attributed to wildlife exploitation. The moral and ethical implications of the abuse these animals endure in the name of profit cannot be overlooked.
In light of these findings, we urge you to take immediate action by ceasing the sale of kopi luwak coffee and addressing the reported practices that contribute to such cruelty. It is essential to prioritize the welfare of animals over profit and ensure that your company is not complicit in this cycle of suffering.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Pixabay
One of these lazy ass selfish people get a real job to support themselves I don’t care it’s growing crops of food or something but there’s no way ever in this life you should ever make money off greedy selfish desires at the cost of the misery of others be it animal or human… I know these people have no idea what they’re headed for what evil you do to others God does 10 times worse to you it says that in the Bible That’s why God says to pray for your enemies.