Stop Re-Election Campaign That Would Cripple Democratic Party

Target: Kyrsten Sinema, Senator of Arizona

Goal: Prevent Senator Kyrsten Sinema from running for re-election at the detriment of the Democratic party.

On December 8th, Senator Kyrsten Sinema announced she was leaving the Democratic Party, citing concerns about political polarization and party politics. Although Sinema has routinely been a party black sheep, this defection now means future problems for Arizona Democrats in the upcoming re-election. 

Kyrsten began her career as a member of the Green Party. Although more recently, she has found opportunistic notoriety as a democratic centrist, voting against raising the minimum wage, upholding the filibuster against voting rights legislation, and voting against lowering the cost of Medicare pharmaceuticals. Her defection from the Democratic Party to an independent affiliation signals her political allegiance to corporate interest and lobbying groups instead of the American people. 

However, interest groups will continue to support her run for reelection as an Independent in 2025 to split the Democratic vote. By doing this, she will siphon votes away from a genuinely progressive candidate, ensuring a Republican will win in Arizona’s next election cycle. Sign below and demand that Senator Sinema does not run for re-election as an independent.


Dear Senator Sinema, 

In light of your recent party defection and demonstrated opposition to Democratic policymaking, Democrats and progressives will no longer support you in Arizona should you choose to run again as an independent. And in doing so, Democratic voters will actively oppose you and your special interest groups. Therefore, your campaign will not likely bring success to you, and it will cripple the Democratic Party’s chances in the next election.

I demand that you cease your efforts to run as an independent in the next election for the good of the country and your current constituents.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: United States Senate


  1. Robert Ortiz says:

    She and Joe Manchin are DINO’S (Democrat-In-Name-Only) or worse yet closet Republicans and have done NOTHING helpful for the democratic party.

  2. Manitou Calmstorm says:

    May the baby murdering Dementiacrats rot in HELL!

  3. I feel this woman is tied to Big Pharma. She is smart and street savvy but in the end she may kick herself in the butt. She obviously does not care which party she supports, or none at all. She is about the special interests which support her. It’s a tough job to make special interests happy. They are demanding but they pay well. I wish she would stay out of politics and not play the game of catch me if you can. It’s a waste of time for those few who actually do their best to serve the better interests of the American people.

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294 Signatures

  • J. David Scott
  • Janice Bernard
  • Doug Phillips
  • Doug Phillips
  • jacci russ
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
  • Lori Lorentz
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