Success: California to Allow Nonviolent Offenders to Become Firefighters

Target: California Assemblymember Eloise Gomez Reyes

Goal: Thank lawmakers for passing a bill allowing nonviolent offenders with firefighting experience to become firefighters.

Thanks to legislation put forward by California lawmakers, nonviolent offenders with firefighting experience will be allowed to get the training needed to become firefighters. During this time when wildfires are destroying California, it is important that more people be able to become firefighters. People formerly in prison are good candidates for these jobs because many of them did firefighting work while serving jail time.

California already has a program that offers people in prison the opportunity to get some training and work fighting wildfires, for a small wage. The program is voluntary, but vital for California as the state struggles with perilous wildfires. However, inmate volunteers previously were unable to become firefighters upon their release, a nonsensical law that signers of this petition recognized.

Before this legislation, people who had been in prison were not allowed to get EMT training in California, which would prevent them from becoming firefighters. Now, nonviolent offenders will be able to get the training because of a new expungement process. This is a great step towards creating a more equitable and fair society by creating a rehabilitation process. Former inmates will now have an opportunity to support themselves and protect the community.

Sign the petition below to thank California lawmakers for passing a bill to allow nonviolent offenders to become firefighters.


Dear Assemblymember Reyes,

Thank you for pushing forward legislation to allow nonviolent offenders to become firefighters. California is in a crisis with raging wildfires, and volunteers in prison have been doing important work protecting homes from destruction. Allowing those released from prison to continue to work in firefighting is valuable not only for them to support themselves, but also for protecting the communities of California.

This is an important step in creating a criminal justice system that rehabilitates those who have done wrong, and to ensure a strong firefighting force. Thank you for your work to allow former inmates to get the training needed to become firefighters.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: U.S. Department of Agriculture

One Comment

  1. Linda Hilty-Tuttle says:

    GOOD! With ARSONISTS aiding & abetting the fires, they need ALL THE HELP THEY CAN GET!

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384 Signatures

  • Janice Bernard
  • jacci russ
  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Donna Jones
  • Alice Rim
  • John B
  • Evan Jane Kriss
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