Success: Federal Troops Leave Portland

Target: Kate Brown, Governor of Oregon

Goal: Thank Oregon lawmakers for pushing for violent federal troops to be removed from Portland.

After weeks of turmoil where federal troops attacked protesters and incited violence, the Department of Homeland Security finally pulled forces out of Portland. The first night of protests without the federal presence was peaceful and celebratory, proving that the military had more to do with stirring up unrest than quelling it. The DHS came to an agreement with the state of Oregon to pull out forces, but they also maintained the ability to keep a presence at the Portland courthouse.

Federal troops in Portland had tear gassed, attacked, and arrested protesters without probable cause. The DHS claimed that the military presence was to quell the unrest from anti-racism protests, but their actions proved quite the opposite.

The outcries against the actions of the DHS have been numerous, including on ForceChange when signers of this petition called for troops in Portland to be removed. The attorney general of Oregon and the American Civil Liberties Union were quick to condemn the violation of First and Fourth Amendment rights by federal forces. It came down to the governor of Oregon, who finally got a deal with the DHS to remove federal forces with conditions.

The fight to get federal forces away from peaceful protests is by no means over, but this is an important step toward ensuring free speech is protected. Sign the petition below to thank Oregon lawmakers for pushing for the removal of federal forces in Portland and to show support for anti-racism protesters.


Dear Governor Brown,

A day after the removal of large federal forces, the protests in Portland were peaceful, proving that the presence of the military caused the violence, not the demonstrators themselves. Federal troops had tear gassed, attacked, and arrested innocent protesters, breaching both First and Fourth Amendment rights guaranteed by the Constitution. While justice is still awaited for these egregious actions, it is a victory that most of the troops have been removed from Portland.

The fight against rising fascism is not over yet, but I’m glad to know that there are still people in government like you who believe in the Constitution. Thank you for your work to remove federal forces from Portland, and I encourage you to continue to fight to protect free speech rights.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: M.O. Stevens

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216 Signatures

  • Janice Bernard
  • jacci russ
  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Donna Jones
  • Alice Rim
  • John B
  • Evan Jane Kriss
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