Success: Action Taken to Prevent Wildlife-Killing Forest Fires

Target: President Joko Widodo, Indonesia

Goal: Praise efforts to end human-caused forest fires that starve orangutans.

The president of Indonesia has ordered his government to focus fully on combating forest fires started for profit, in a welcome development for wildlife advocates and signers of this petition.

Indonesian wildlife and forests have suffered significant damage in recent years from the fires, set intentionally to clear land for farming, palm oil harvesting, and mining. Indonesia’s threatened orangutan population has been particularly hard-hit, with fires destroying precious sources of food for the endangered animals.

The country’s human population has also suffered. Smoke from the fires has caused pollution and illness in human settlements, and last year the country suffered damages estimated to be $5.2 billion USD by the World Bank. Although there is a penalty of 15 years imprisonment for starting fires, it’s rarely enforced.

With the government’s new focus on stopping these criminal fires, there is hope that Indonesia can effect positive change to protect its natural wealth and the lives of its citizens. Sign this letter to thank Mr. Joko Widodo.


Dear Mr. Joko Widodo,

Your resolve in focusing your government’s efforts on ending the forest fires in Indonesia is nothing less than admirable. Indonesia’s forests, wildlife, and citizens can no longer bear the damage these fires cause.

Thank you for your attention to one of the most pressing issues facing Southeast Asia and the world.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Government of Indonesia


  1. Evan Jane Kriss says:

    Please STOP CLEAR CUTTING of Indonesia’s forests for agricultural plantations! These forests are the ONLY HABITAT in the world where orangutans can survive. The world is watching and we will not look away. Please do the right thing.

  2. Bina Pannell says:

    He promised governments around the world a few years back that he would stop big business burning down the rainforests but did nothing. Let’s hope he keeps his promise this time. And while he’s at it, how about stopping the disgusting dog meat consumption in Indonesia?

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759 Signatures

  • jacci russ
  • Janice Bernard
  • Erin Borozny
  • Michelle Blackley
  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Vincent L
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Donna Jones
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