Target: Jack O’Reilly Jr., Mayor of Dearborn, Michigan
Goal: Thank Mayor O’Reilly for standing up to ICE.
Jack O’Reilly Jr., the mayor of Dearborn, Michigan, announced that his city would no longer be co-operating with ICE. This includes discontinuing holding detainees for them. This is a major step in the fight against ICE destroying families who are in America trying to make better lives for themselves.
Similarly, over 1,000 church congregations are now offering sanctuary to immigrants who are facing deportation. This is against the law, but Father Luis Barrios, the head of one of these sanctuary churches, says there is a moral imperative to help.
Both of these instances are strong proof that the tide is turning against ICE. People who come to America in good faith wanting a better life for their families should not be turned away. Your activism is making a difference. There is still a lot more fight ahead of us, but the petition you signed on ForceChange to tell our officials to stop working with ICE is making a difference. Every voice joining the fight makes our message heard more and more. Sign below and thank the mayor who took a stand against ICE.
Dear Mayor O’Reilly,
What ICE is doing to tear apart families is unacceptable. Your announcement that Dearborn will no longer be co-operating with ICE is a great step in the right direction for the country. These people are coming to America to try to make better lives for themselves and their families. Our own ancestors all did the same thing at one time or another, and the legal system of migration is fatally flawed. No one should be expected to stay in their home country to die from starvation, violence, or disease when better opportunities are available here.
Every city that decides to take the side of these immigrants is making the right decision to make a better United States. We sincerely hope more cities will follow your example and tell ICE “no.” Thank you for doing the right thing.
[ Your Name Here ]
Photo Credit: Sarahmirk
this mayor along with other sanctuary cities politicians & judges should be arrested for breaking our federal laws!!!! So typical of liberal politicians that think they are above the law. They chose illegals breaking into our country and breaking our laws over American citizens and their safety.
shame on them and shame on you and those that signed this petition.
I agree.
Has any idiot who signed this petition noticed that many of these illegals are criminals and terrorists? That in these wonderful sanctuary cities many girls are being raped and murdered yet the perpetrators go free? In fact, by being illegal immigrants they are, themselves, criminals. My brother got in legally and had to jump through hoops but he was wanted and welcome because he was a world leader and innovator in a form of maths later used for AI. But don’t worry about that, let’s have some human traffickers steal children to take in with cartel members, they are useful members of society……