Target: Catherine R. McCabe, DEP Commissioner
Goal: Praise efforts to save the bog turtle from extinction.
A joint effort between the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the state’s Audubon chapter has led to a major victory for conservation. The bog turtle, a critically endangered amphibian from the eastern United States, will have 50 acres of newly restored wetland habitat because of new funds.
Our own Keri Ann recently wrote a petition specifically targeting the bog turtle in Pennsylvania. The bog turtle’s habitat remains mostly in the far eastern edge of Pennsylvania, and regions of New Jersey and southern New York. This victory may be in a neighboring state of New Jersey, but is a strong sign that the species is on the road to recovery. Conservation efforts like this make a huge difference. When we make waves about protecting endangered species, legislators are listening; this is proof that activism is making a difference in protecting these animals.
Catherine R. McCabe, commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection, is as overjoyed as we are at the idea of saving these turtles from extinction. Through her work and the partnership of the organizations involved, activists have scored a major victory for conservation. Tell her conservationists like you appreciate the voices of environmental activists being heard and thank her for her work.
Dear Commissioner McCabe,
Protecting endangered species needs to be a priority in this country, and we are so glad that you agree. The recent announcement that 50 acres of habitat for the bog turtle in New Jersey will be restored is a very welcome one. Your efforts may lead to saving this species, and we appreciate all the work you are doing to make a difference for these animals.
Industrialization has brought many worthwhile advances for human kind, but these animals that are getting left behind in the process need strong protectors like you to ensure that they aren’t forgotten. Keep up the good work, and thank you again for your conservation efforts.
[ Your Name Here ]
Photo Credit: US Army Corps of Engineers
Dear Catherine R. McCabe,
Thank you for caring!
You made my day!
After all there is a shimmer of hope that some politicians care.
VICTORY — THANK YOU for thinking about this little TURTLE — they too want to live — they make a BIG difference in our Eco-System.