Target: Sandra Steingraber, Professor and Activist, Ithaca College
Goal: Applaud success of grass roots movement in defeating a large natural gas expansion project.
The proposed expansion of an underground natural gas storage facility near the Finger Lakes in New York has been abandoned. This comes after a sustained grass roots movement which brought together a diverse range of groups in protest of the controversial project.
First introduced in 2009 and gaining federal approval in 2014, the proposal would have significantly expanded the holding capacity of underground natural gas storage tanks at the Seneca Lake Compressor Station. Project completion would have enabled additional natural gas to be transported from fracking sites in Pennsylvania through the Finger Lakes region.
Organized opposition to the project began in 2014, bolstered by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s decision to ban fracking in the state. More than 400 people were arrested for acts of non-violent civil disobedience, most frequently involving the blockade of transportation routes around the compressor station. Protestors were united by concerns that expanded storage of natural gas would increase the likelihood of ecological damage and water contamination.
Cancellation of the Seneca Lake storage expansion project represents an inspiring victory for the grass roots opposition movement. Please sign the below petition applauding their commitment and perseverance in seeing through a two-year long fight in defense of public safety.
Dear Professor Steingraber,
I am writing to offer my congratulations for the cancellation of the Seneca Lake natural gas expansion project. The coalition of opposition groups which you helped lead set an inspiring example of sustained, peaceful protest in protection of public health. Thank you for taking meaningful action in this era of government endorsed environmental sabotage.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: BJ Smur
Thanks so much to all the activists who fought this battle!