Target: Nick Wiley, Executive Director, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Goal: Thank the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for not allowing the 2017 black bear hunt.
Two years ago, almost 400 Florida black bears were needlessly killed. Some were mothers of babies that then starved to death, and the babies are included in that number. This trophy hunt was completely unnecessary, and ran counter to the wishes of most of the public, especially animal rights activists. There was a planned hunt again this year, which has thankfully been cancelled. This is at least partly due to all of the many petitions published on this very topic, including one from ForceChange.
There are concerns that the Florida black bears are becoming too aggressive, but any perceived aggression is only because their habitats are being rapidly encroached upon by humans. The bears are literally getting backed into a corner, yet people are confused when they lash out. Even besides habitat restoration, there are other measures humans could take to improve inter-species relations, such as the proper storage of food and the use of electric fences. About 100 bears a year are already killed by motorists, so an annual culling is definitely not needed for the bears’ sake. Sign this petition to praise the executive director of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and to encourage the future protection of the Florida black bear.
Dear Mr. Wiley,
The Florida black bear hunt in 2015 was appalling and senseless. Attacks from black bears are very rare and until 2012, the Florida black bear was considered threatened. Hunting them so soon after losing protections should not have been allowed, and thankfully will not be reenacted this year. I would like to commend you for that choice, as I am sure it wasn’t easy. Hunting does bring in revenue and there is a vocal minority that feel like the very small threat that the bears may pose warrants culls. But by cancelling the 2017 hunt, you stated that the bears have a right to life and consideration.
If human safety does become a big enough concern that action must be taken, I urge you to consider other methods of keeping the bears away from human settlements. Trash cans can be modified to keep bears out, and pepper spray has been shown to discourage black bears from attacking. Humans must learn to coexist peacefully with animals, since we have no more right to the earth than they do. Thank you for choosing to stop hunters from slaughtering black bears. Please continue to protect them from annual massacres.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Karen Abeyasekere
Someone in the USA with brains and compassion. America should be proud they have such diverse wildlife and promote it.
Great news for bears! Hope they make this ban permanent.
Thank you! Finally no more killing of innocent bears.
innocent and defenseless creature with a firearm to kill distance, is no problem.
then you feel as big and strong man ?????? – Wow – must be a cool feeling –
Cowardly murder pack
All of these killers are said to suffer the same problems as these poor animals
damn whoring sons
Signed & Shared❗️?