Target: Judge Derrick K. Watson, United States District Judge for the District of Hawaii
Goal: Applaud Judge Watson’s preliminary injunction against President Trump’s second travel ban
Judge Derrick K. Watson issued a preliminary injunction against President Donald Trump’s second attempt at a travel ban, which aims to limit the immigration of Muslims to America. Trump’s first travel order banned citizens and refugees from six majority-Muslim countries from entering the U.S., even though the ban was heavily protested by activists like those who signed this ForceChange petition. By rejecting the second travel ban, Judge Watson has protected the rights of citizens and refugees of six Muslim-majority countries while also showing the world that our country will not be ruled by racism and ignorance.
After the first travel ban was held, the Trump administration went back to the drawing board to craft a travel ban that would hold up in courts while also satisfying his campaign promises to curtail the immigration of Muslims into the U.S. While this ban accounted for the constitutional issues presented by the first one, this new order is still based on the intolerant belief that followers of Islam are inherently dangerous and cannot be trusted, which is an ignorant, close-minded understanding of the religion if ever there was one. Judge Watson stated that, “the Court will not crawl into a corner, pull the shutters closed, and pretend it has not seen what it has,” and placed the second executive order on indefinite hold.
By staying firm against Trump’s executive order and acknowledging the malevolent intentions of the ban, Judge Watson served as a beacon of hope for those proud of our country’s welcoming arms to all. His words speak truth to power and show that our country will remain an open, safe place for the world’s Muslims. Sign this petition to applaud Judge Watson for blocking this racist ban.
Dear Judge Watson,
I am writing to you today to thank you for issuing a preliminary injunction against President Trump’s second travel ban, an order designed to exploit legal loopholes to discriminate against innocent people and the less-fortunate. By recognizing the racist nature of the ban, made explicit by the president and his associates, you have upheld the laws of this country, which welcome diverse individuals from all nations and protect refugees seeking shelter on our shores.
You have given hope to so many people around the globe, and your words cut through the fog of misinformation and fear spread by an administration seeking to denigrate the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims. Thank you for ruling against the tyranny of bigotry and ensuring that the U.S. remains a safe place for all those who wish to share in the glory of our great nation.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Michael Vadon
don’t ban travel!
This is not success, this is a protest by people who have the brains of a dead earwig. This is a TEMPORARY ban against people who come from a couple of Muslim controlled countries who are more likely to have terrorists in the immigrants. Most other people from other Muslim controlled countries still have the potential right of entry. If you want to be blown up, shot or stabbed then that is your right but it is not your right to make that decision for anyone else.
I would also point out that, legally, no judge has the right to issue such an order but then they are so full of themselves that they think that they do. The President has the right to issue an order that protects the residents of the US.
Now, while you are so full of yourself, what are you going to do about the Muslim controlled countries that force non-Muslims to convert, that illegally imprison Americans because they are not Muslims, that refuse the entry of non-Muslims, that have slaves, that force 8 year old girls to marry pedophiles and support financially the terrorists in the US that kill people?
Many people who have protested this ban are actually very intelligent and have legitimate reasons to protest.
While I think many of us protesters, just like you, strongly disagree with the Islamic religion, we think this ban unfairly discriminates against innocent Muslims.
Most Muslims are not terrorists. They have all been painted with the same “terrorist” brush in the mainstream media. This helps deflect attention from what is really going on.
If you believe that Trump and his people are good, ethical and moral people, you should do some serious digging. Look into Trump’s background. Look at who supports him and who he supports. Things are not always as they might seem on the surface. Thanks.
Sorry – this is a response to Gillian Miller.