Target: Phil Berger, North Carolina State Senate Leader
Goal: Praise repeal of the North Carolina “bathroom bill.”
Thanks in part to petitions like ForceChange’s Let Transgender People Use Correct Bathrooms, North Carolina governor Roy Cooper signed a bill that repealed the state’s discriminatory “bathroom bill,” HB2, which had dictated that transgender individuals use public restrooms corresponding to the gender on their birth certificates.
Though the original bathroom bill has now been repealed, the new law does not go far enough in protecting transgender rights in North Carolina. There is now a three-year ban on local governments putting forward ordinances that call for nondiscrimination. This new measure was seen as a compromise by North Carolina legislators, who were in a hurry to repeal HB2 thanks to pressure from the NCAA and general public backlash regarding the bathroom bill.
The new bill has faced criticism from both Republicans and Democrats in the state, including lawmakers who were in favor of HB2 and those who fought against its passage. Though this repeal-and-replace measure has caused complications, the repeal of HB2 is an important reminder of the power of public outcry over discriminatory legislation.
By signing this petition, you will applaud that HB2 has been repealed.
Dear Senator Berger,
Legislators in your state passed a new bill which repeals the controversial and discriminatory bathroom bill passed in North Carolina last year. While it is well known that pressure from the NCAA ultimately made the repeal possible, it’s important to note that the public outcry against the blatantly discriminatory bill played a part in its eventually being struck down.
I ask that in your future work in the North Carolina Senate, you endeavor to protect the rights of the LGBTQ community in your state, including fighting against any further discriminatory measures that come to the Senate floor.
Thank you for the part you played in the repeal of HB2.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Monica Helms
congrats NC! keep up the transgender rights!