Target: Theresa May, Prime Minister, United Kingdom
Goal: Praise United Kingdom for phasing out coal powered energy generation and ensure its continued expansion following Brexit.
The United Kingdom has made significant progress toward achieving its goal of ending coal-powered energy production by 2025. In reaction to growing public concern regarding climate change, the government has evolved from addressing coal emissions through technology-based solutions as described in this ForceChange petition, to a dramatic shift toward renewable energy sources and natural gas.
This embrace of clean energy and low natural gas prices contributed to a 52 percent decline in coal use in 2016. This coincides with a sharp reduction in carbon emissions, which have fallen by a staggering 74 percent since 2006. A country once infamous for smog-choked cities also experienced several days where coal burning fell to zero.
Even with the significant progress the United Kingdom has achieved in transforming its energy sector, concerns remain that momentum will be slowed once Brexit is completed. An independent Britain would be free from the strict environmental regulations implemented by the European Union. The conservative party, led by Prime Minister Theresa May, has already signaled that it may seek to weaken environmental protections through deregulation. However, progressive members of the British parliament are already bracing for that possibility by drafting a resolution that would mandate continuation of environmental regulations under E.U. oversight as a condition of exiting.
Sign the below petition praising the United Kingdom for its progress in reducing carbon emissions and urging Prime Minister Theresa May to maintain a course away from fossil fuel generation.
Dear Prime Minister May,
I am writing to congratulate the United Kingdom for its significant progress in reducing greenhouse emissions. Carbon emissions have dropped 74 percent in the last 10 years, to their lowest recorded level since 1894. This has been primarily driven by a sharp reduction in coal burning, carbon taxes and adoption of clean energy technologies such as wind and solar.
However, there is concern among many of your constituents and members of parliament that you will seek to weaken environmental protections and emission targets once Britain leaves the European Union. You must recognize that these efforts would be disastrous for the climate, damage an emerging clean energy industry and almost certainly mark the end of your government.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Hans Hillewaert
congrats england!
Ahhhh uk proves its BRITIANIA RULES THE WORLD…