Success: Convicted Animal Abuser Sentenced to Prison

Target: Denise Markle, Milford County Judge

Goal: Thank judge for punishing convicted animal abuser and removing abused animals from his custody.

An employee of an animal shelter was convicted on charges of animal abuse and will spend one year in jail followed by three years of probation, during which he will not be allowed to work with animals. Fred Acker worked for the SPCA of Connecticut and had been accused over a dozen times of animal cruelty. Now, he will finally serve time for his negligence, thanks in part to this ForceChange petition. Past sentencing was avoided by Acker for his seemingly remorseful attitude about what he had done, but finally a Milford County judge realized the severity of what this man was doing and deemed that he was not fit to work with animals.

Acker was known for his work with shelters but many did not realize that he was not taking good care of the pets he housed. In 2012, he allegedly bought 100 dogs after his facility had been zoned for just 29. According to reports, the overflow were kept in other locations where they would sometimes go 24 hours without care and would often fight. Thanks to Judge Markle, those animals and all pets brought in by Acker will be relocated to more humane facilities within 30 days of this sentencing, allowing them to live better lives as they wait for their forever homes. Sign this petition to thank the judge who sentenced Acker and saved the animals he abused.


Dear Judge Markle,

I am writing to thank you for your recent decision to sentence Fred Acker to prison and prohibit him from working with animals. Those who were familiar with the facilities he was responsible for knew he was keeping the animals in poor conditions. Reports of cats with respiratory problems and dogs being neglected for 24 hours at a time surfaced as this man’s history of abuse gained exposure. While many claimed that he was a saint for taking in these pets, animal rights activists knew that the way they were being housed was inhumane.

Thanks to you, the animals under Acker’s care will be relocated and Acker will not be allowed to work with animals for at least four years. Prior judges let him get away with his crimes since he showed remorse, but I applaud you for not being softened by his act. Shelters are supposed to be safe havens and now the SPCA of Connecticut will once again be a sanctuary for pets. Thank you for standing up for animal rights.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: AlexVan


  1. it needs 10 years now in prison this turd.

  2. Why don’t they sentence him to a longer prison sentence. I don’t think 1 year isn’t enough.

    • One year is not enough. This low life should be hung, he’s not fit to live. What will he do when he gets out. The authorities and law makers generally have no regard for animals. One year is derisory.

  3. Although I applaud you – 1 year isn’t enough afterall he’ll be out in what 4 months or so It should have been 10 years

  4. One year is not enough, even though it is something. We desperately need to change the laws and keep these evil people in prison for many more years, if not permanently. We can’t diminish the suffering of animals by thinking they are just animals without feelings and emotions. We are all one which includes animals and all living beings.

  5. Cecelia Nelson says:

    ONE YEAR is NOT enough, but it’s a start. GOD willing, THIS SENTENCE will send a message to others who feel it’s ok to ABUSE animals. IT’S NOT!!!

  6. Amar Taggarh says:

    One year is a joke. Innocent lives were endangered. Had it been kids would you have sentenced differently I wonder. Animals are the closest thing to godliness we have left. They need our respect and protection. I sincerely hope he runs into animal lovers inside jail an really gets punished. This sentence is abysmal. I applaud the fact you recognize a crime was committed but the sentence should match the crimes committed.

  7. Only a year? Really? This filthy piece of garbage needs to spend the rest of his miserable life in prison.

  8. Come on Judge this is just a slap on the wrist, this lowlife needs a severe punishment as a deterrent because most likely creatures like this are serial predators that will keep committing these crimes however I thank you for at least putting this monster away where hopefully he will meet animal lovers that will give him the punishment he deserves

  9. Kiley Baricevic says:

    It’s sad because what I’m reading it sounds more like neglect I didn’t read anything that said he hit the animals or was torturing them in his mind it sounded like he was just trying to save as many as he could but couldn’t take care of them. I don’t understand how someone that is really torturing animals I mean literally hurting them with malice and intent gets no prison time but someone like this who probably in their mind thought they were helping get a year in prison? I wish this judge would judge all the cases the ones that are so atrocious towards animals and the farming Industries that abuse and torture their animals before they are slaughtered why aren’t they doing jail time too

    • Kiley Baricevic says:

      Don’t get me wrong…it is horrible what he did but in his mind he was probably thinking he is saving them he needs some therapy and jail time…I just wish they would give longer jail sentences to monsters who are basically seriel predators in training…

  10. Throw the animal torturing monster Fred Acker in jail for years and let the inmates finish this prick off.
    One year is not enough time for an animal torturing monster like this Fred Acker. Kill the prick.

  11. Lisa Zarafonetis says:

    Wished it was more time but better than nothing❗️
    Signed & Shared.

  12. Thank you Judge Markle — THANK YOU a million times — thank you for making the right decision — thank you for your rationality AND for your compassion — thank you for protecting the vulnerable and innocent — animals, who are always at our mercy.

  13. A year is not long enough. Plus he’ll likely be out in 6 months for good behavior!

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