Success: Endangered Species Recovering at Record Levels

Target: Barack Obama, President of the United States

Goal: Applaud historic recovery of multiple endangered species.

Endangered species in the United States are recovering at a record rate thanks to aggressive legislation and governmental protections. In the past 7 years, 19 species have had their “endangered” status removed as population numbers continue to climb.

The urgent fight to protect these vulnerable animals has been well-documented, as evidenced by the ForceChange petitions found here and here. The most recent “delistings” are of three types of fox living in California. These foxes have experienced the “fastest successful recovery” of any species to date, according to the Department of the Interior.

The department credits a captive breeding program and vaccination campaign as significant contributors to this astonishing recovery, which validates the usefulness of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). In 2016 alone, six species have been removed from the endangered list, which is a record.

These encouraging statistics prove that conservation methods are working and deserve to remain in place. Sign the petition below to thank the Obama administration for their dedication to protecting the country’s threatened species.


Dear Mr. Obama,

I am writing to commend you and your administration for the recent surge in recovery rates for endangered animals. In the past seven years, 19 species have been “delisted,” with six species being removed from the roster in 2016 alone.

This historic recovery serves as proof that conservation efforts are working. The Endangered Species Act is saving the lives of countless animals and bringing back multiple species from the edge of extinction. Thank you once again for your dedicated effort to save our planet and the valuable creatures that live here.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service


  1. This petition makes NO SENSE!
    Yes, some animals have been removed from the endangered list, for instance the Black Bears of Florida who were removed so that HUNTERS could hunt them for the first time in 20 years…..Republican governor Rick Scott stacked the committee which made this “decision” with pro-hunting types, and NOT ONE bear specialist of environmentalist.

    And then there is the photo of the wolf! This is within a few days after state hired gun men killed two wolves in Washington state from a helicopter, including the Alpha female of the pack, which will destroy the pack and leave the orphaned pups to die…….Meanwhile Red Wolves in N.C. are down to an all time low of just 60 individuals, and are fast headed to extinction.

    Whoever WROTE that petition needs to look into WHO removes animals from the endangered species list and WHY, and not be so gullible.

  2. Jacqui Skill says:

    I cant sign this..endangered animals have been removed and more are under threat of being removed..this present GOP dominated congress is dominated by anti wildlife , pro big corporate polluters and is trying to undermine the endangered species act!I am disgusted with the GOP dominated house and am looking forward to it being replaced by those who represent the people and the earth and earth’s diverse life and endangered species.

  3. I don’t believe a word!

    Stop promoting your “on-line sales” – Reeks of scam!

  4. Carly Steel says:

    This petition is hiding the REAL FACTS. Yes, a number of our wildlife have been removed from the Endangered Species List, however, it’s not that they are doing well, it’s so ranchers, oil & gas company’s, & those with a gun can go out & shoot them to get them out of “their” hair. This list contains wolves, bison, mustangs, burros, bears, fox, and the list goes on. I voted both times for Obama, but this is the ONE fault I have with his administration. He should have fought for our wildlife. Wildlife has taken a big hit! We have got to turn this around to save so many species. It makes me sick to see what’s happening to them. I whole hardheartedly agree with those above.

  5. Dr. Tony DeLia says:

    Just because an animal species is removed from the endangered list does not mean it is because their numbers are increasing. There are many hunting groups, ranchers, and animal haters pushing for de-listing, especially at the state level and especially among repugnantcans.

  6. More improvements are still required. It’s a good beginning but efforts on that subject must be followed

  7. Lisa Zarafonetis says:

    Signed & Shared. ?

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  • Don Dudan
  • jacci russ
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  • Michelle Blackley
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