Target: Gina McCarthy, Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Goal: Thank the EPA for finally committing to setting official standards to limit greenhouse gasses emitted from airplanes.
The Environmental Protection Agency is moving forward with restricting the amount of greenhouse gas emissions released by airplanes after pressure from environmentalists in the form of lawsuits and petitions including ForceChange’s “Reduce Harmful Pollution From Airplanes.” The agency has released its official “final endangerment findings,” which legally requires the EPA to set emission restrictions.
Although air travel accounts for only three percent of U.S. fossil fuel emissions, it’s still a significant contributor and has been left unregulated for far too long. Fighting climate change must be done on all fronts if the planet is to avoid catastrophic effects including water and food shortages and even more extreme weather events than we’ve already seen in recent years.
Additionally, reducing emissions from airplanes is beneficial to airline companies. A study conducted by Virgin Airlines found that simple pilot training on efficient flying methods reduced fuel use by 30 percent, therefore reducing the same amount of exhaust. It’s inexcusable for airlines to be let off the hook in terms of restricting emissions.
Sign out petition to thank the EPA for finally taking a step forward in setting limits on airplane emissions and encourage the agency to make the implementation of these standards a priority.
Dear Administrator McCarthy,
It’s a relief to learn that the EPA has finally released its final endangerment findings on emissions from airplanes, requiring you to set restrictions on the amount of fossil fuel fumes that can be released into the air from this form of transportation. It’s essential that climate change be fought on all fronts possible as the Earth continues to break temperature records each year and experience intense weather events.
It’s frankly ridiculous that it took this long for restrictions to be set on the amount of emissions allowed from airplanes. Fuel efficiency even benefits airline companies by reducing the amount of money that must be spent on fuel, as was recently found by a study done by Virgin Airlines. There couldn’t have been much resistance.
You must know how big of a threat climate change is to us all. Reducing emissions that contribute to the problem needs to be your highest priority, no matter where it comes from. We thank you for taking this major step in fighting climate-altering air pollution and also urge you to make implementing these restrictions a top priority in order that it might be done quickly.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Gralo
less emissions!