Target: Governor Jerry Brown
Goal: Applaud decision to raise minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2022.
A deal to raise the minimum wage in California to $15 an hour has been accepted by governor Jerry Brown. In this deal, the minimum wage will be raised to $10.50 in 2017, $11 in 2018 and a dollar each subsequent year through 2022. With this raise, thousands of people will be able to earn a livable wage and the wealth gap will be narrowed. This was all possible because of protests and activism, including petitions on ForceChange.
California is known for being a progressive state, having one of the highest minimum wages even before this deal. Now, they are leading the nation by being the first state to implement a plan to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. This move could encourage other states to do the same, possibly leading to a national minimum wage hike.
The plan may be revolutionary, but it is not reckless. The incremental increase will ease businesses into this change so that they do not have to file for bankruptcy. And if there are any economic downturns between now and 2022, Governor Brown will temporarily suspend the plan until everyone can afford it again.
There are many critics that say that this pay raise will cause businesses to hire fewer workers or shut down altogether. However, many economists say that the opposite will happen. When people have higher incomes, they have more spending power. More spending power means that businesses will sell more, increasing productivity and stimulating the economy. The benefits of raising the minimum wage outweigh the costs.
The voice of the working class has been heard, and action is finally being taken to lessen the wealth gap. Show your commendation by signing this petition.
Dear Governor Brown,
Thank you for accepting the deal to raise California’s minimum wage to $15 an hour. Because of this decision, thousands of working people will be pulled out of poverty and the wealth gap will be reduced. California will become the leader in progressive economics, encouraging other states to join it in raising the minimum wage.
This is a sound plan that cannot be criticized for recklessness. It is very smart to implement an incremental raising of the minimum wage that can be halted in the case of an economic downturn. The economy is sure to be stimulated now that a greater number of people will be able to spend more.
Thank you for listening to the voice of the working class, a group of people that is often ignored by legislators. We applaud your efforts to ensure a livable wage for all workers.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Fibonacci Blue