Target: Ames Simmons, Director, Human Rights Campaign
Goal: Thank organizations for their hard work and for standing up to discrimination.
Governor Nathan Deal announced that he will veto a bill that would have discriminated against the LGBT community. The Human Rights Campaign is celebrating the veto. The bill would have given faith-based organizations the right to deny services to and refuse to hire someone because of their sexual orientation or gender. Thanks to support from ForceChange and other activists, Governor Deal was able to make the right decision and take fair executive action and veto the discriminatory bill. Georgia will continue to protect the rights of all of its residents, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.
Georgia’s Republican-dominated Legislature passed the bill with overwhelming support; for the Governor to veto the bill took courage. The republicans, however, haven’t taken the veto lightly and the fight against LGBT discrimination is not over. As a Georgia legislator, Senator Mike Crane has called for a special session to override the Governor’s veto, saying that it infringes upon the First Amendment rights of faith-based organizations. Still, the Governor does not stand alone. Opponents of the bill, including the ForceChange community, argue that discriminating the LGBT community is not necessary to protect the faith-based community in Georgia.
Even major corporations that do business in Georgia warn that passing the bill would cause job losses and negatively impact the economy. Thanks to the veto, companies like Salesforce will be able to continue to do business in Georgia and Disney will continue to film in the state. Sign this petition to celebrate alongside the Human Rights Campaign and thank Governor Nathan Deal for standing up for equality and fairness in Georgia.
Dear Ames Simmons,
Thank you for being a champion for equality and fairness in Georgia. Vetoing House Bill 757 not only takes a stand against discrimination against the LGBT community, but also protects jobs that otherwise would have been lost. Time Warner, the NFL, Salesforce, Disney and other companies stand with you because they understand how detrimental this bill would be to Georgia’s economy.
Your decision is an example to all governors to stand up against discrimination. It is our hope that your decision will inspire others to take action towards creating a world that you described as “loving, kind and generous.”
Equal rights activists and the ForceChange community will continue to support you in your efforts to defend fair employment practices for everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. We congratulate you on your victory against discrimination.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Ludovic Bertron