Target: FDA Acting Commissioner Stephen Ostroff
Goal: Applaud decision to begin testing foodstuffs for the pesticide ingredient glyphosate.
Corn and soybeans will be tested for residues of the potentially harmful pesticide ingredient glyphosate thanks to a recent decision made by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This is due in part to the efforts of the ForceChange community.
The move has come after independent testing found traces of the potentially carcinogenic chemical in breast milk, honey, cereal, wheat flour, soy sauce and infant formula, among other substances. The U.S. Government Accountability Office already rebuked the FDA for not carrying out these assessments themselves already.
It is the first time in the agency’s history that they will be testing for glyphosate, and they are considering assignments for 2016 to measure glyphosate in soybeans, corn, milk, eggs and other potential foods. A statement released by the FDA puts the initial costs to implement the testing methods at roughly $5 million, and these selective residue methods will be carried out at six FDA testing laboratories.
The FDA holds enforcing authority and will be able to impose penalties and force companies to improve their practices if they have been found to be negligent in regards to the release of glyphosate into foodstuffs. Applaud this decision to start testing for this harmful chemical and increase the pressure for the USDA to follow suit.
Dear Commissioner Ostroff,
The recent decision by the FDA to implement testing for glyphosate in foodstuffs is to be applauded. Putting any previous oversight by your agency aside, this welcome change to testing policy could potentially improve health and save lives nationwide.
The process involved might be costly, and any enforcement of penalties against the huge companies who have released this possible carcinogen into the food chain will be difficult. However, the decision is the right one, and hopefully it will inspire the U.S. Department of Agriculture to implement their own methods and to rigorously test for this potential carcinogen.
I applaud your efforts, and that of the Food and Drug Administration, to improve the safety of the food American people are consuming.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: U.S. Food & Drug Administration