Target: Enrique Peña Nieto, President of Mexico
Goal: Applaud successful soda taxing initiative responsible for a large drop-off in the consumption of sweetened drinks.
Soda sales have dropped significantly thanks to a 20 percent tax on sugar-sweetened beverages designed to discourage their consumption. After implementing the tax in 2014, Mexico has seen a 12 percent drop in the sale of sugary drinks as well as an increase in the sale of bottled water. This is one of the first successful initiatives of its kind in the world and could set a precedent in the global fight against obesity, and it is thanks in part to the ForceChange community for demanding action on this issue.
Soda is packed with around ten teaspoons of sugar per can, and contains little in terms of nutritional value. The high sugar content can lead to diabetes over time, while the phosphoric acid present in many sodas can lead to the weakening of the teeth and bones, as well as osteoporosis. Soda has been positively linked to obesity by Harvard researchers, who suggest that for every can of soda consumed daily the risk of obesity rises by almost two percent.
Like much of the world, Mexico is facing an obesity crisis— it is the second fattest country in the developed world, right behind the U.S. Almost a quarter of Mexican adults are overweight or obese, with that figure rising to one-third in children. In 2012, the biggest killer of Mexican citizens was diabetes related to obesity.
By encouraging citizens to make healthier choices, the government is fighting to preserve the general well-being of its population. Sign the petition below to applaud the success of Mexico’s soda tax, and ask that the government continue to work to fight the obesity crisis.
Dear President Nieto,
A recent study has shown that a 20 percent tax on sweetened beverages implemented in 2014 has been successful in discouraging the consumption of soda and increasing the sale of bottled water. The move, which was made in an effort to combat rampant obesity, has resulted in a 12 percent decrease in the sale of sugary drinks.
Obesity is currently a crisis in Mexico, with one-third of the country’s children obese or overweight and complications of obesity related diabetes the leading killer of citizens. Implementing a soda tax and encouraging citizens to make healthier choices will have a positive effect on the issue, but it is important that the efforts do not stop there. We, the undersigned, praise the success of the soda tax initiative and ask you to continue working to fight obesity.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Simon Cousins