Target: U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch
Goal: Applaud the U.S. Department of Justice’s investigation into the use of force by Chicago police.
Thanks in part to petitions like ForceChange’s Enforce Zero Tolerance Policy for Police Brutality in Chicago, the U.S. Department of Justice will investigate use of force by Chicago police.
Police brutality has been a major issue for Chicago in recent years, highlighted by protests following the release of a 2014 police squad car dashboard video showing police officer Jason Van Dyke shooting unarmed 17-year-old Laquan McDonald 16 times.
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said the DOJ will look at the Chicago Police Department’s use of force, including deadly force, as well as constitutional violations and other civil issues in order to improve the overall policing system.
Chicago is known as one of the most violent cities in America, so investigations like this are vital to ensure that systematic improvements are made in order to protect both citizens and police. Applaud this step towards justice when it comes to police brutality in Chicago.
Dear Attorney General Lynch,
After the shooting of unarmed 17-year-old Laquan McDonald by Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke, many protested CPD’s use of force and unnecessary violence against citizens. Your announcement that the DOJ will investigate the Chicago police department’s use of force is a positive step towards ensuring systematic improvements and justice for victims of police brutality.
This investigation is vital to ensuring a stronger and more effective relationship between Chicago police and citizens. I hope the DOJ will continue investigations like this across the country to fight back against police brutality.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Michael Gil