Target: Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
Goal: Praise approval for the relocation of 25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada.
Thanks in part to the hard work of activists on ForceChange in urging action, Canada will accept 25,000 Syrian refugees for resettlement on top of the previously planned 10,000, according to a recent announcement by the Trudeau Government. It is expected that refugees will be transferred from Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey, where millions of Syrians have sought sanctuary. Canadian officials will be seeking to prioritize the entry of refugees with the most pressing needs, such as those in need of immediate medical attention or those facing violence or abuse in their current lodgings.
The Syrian refugee crisis, caused by civil war and the ensuing advancement of Islamic State militants into destabilized areas, is the worst the world has seen since WWII. Over half the country’s population is currently displaced, with several million citizens fleeing the country entirely. A quarter million people have been killed in the conflict and another 13 million are in dire need of humanitarian aid within Syria.
Many of those who have managed to escape the conflict to neighboring countries are living in poverty and are in need of medical care and social aid. Some of the most vulnerable refugees survive on less than half a dollar a day. Approximately 400,000 people in the five major host countries are in need of resettlement due to these issues and more.
With millions of refugees living with the daily danger of violence, sexual assault, disease, poverty, and malnutrition, it is imperative that the international community step up to help. This ambitious undertaking will not only help tens of thousands of vulnerable Syrians, but will prove to other countries that the hurdles surrounding the acceptance of large amounts of refugees are surmountable. Sign the petition below to praise Canada’s acceptance of refugees, and urge Mr. Trudeau to do everything possible to ensure that his goals are met in a safe and timely manner.
Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,
Canada recently pledged to take in 25,000 Syrian refugees on top of the 10,000 already approved by the Harper Government. The refugees will likely come from major host countries Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan, where many refugees are currently facing poverty, abuse, and a lack of medical attention.
In the face of the worst refugee crisis seen in decades, the international community must do its part to help those in need. We, the undersigned, praise your ambitious efforts to resettle 25,000 refugees and ask that you work hard to ensure that the goal is met.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Cmacauley
Agreed. Let whomever started this petition pay for them, and who’s going to protect us from the inevitable bad ones that are let in.
This is a stupid move. Lets bring the terrorists here so they can attack us closer to home. Fuck these people. Fight for your own home and not have to put a strain on our system. Once here they will never leave. Not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are fucking Muslim. Look at what they did to Paris. What a tragic waste. They will never be happy. They find reasons and ways to always hate us and yet they want to live amongst us. Mark my words there will be tragedy in Canada because of this.
Bad idea. I’m tired of paying everybody’s way, I’m barely surviving myself.