Search Results for: dolphin

Educational Series: Orcas, Majestic Predators of the Oceans, Need Our Help to Survive

By Nick Engelfried Few animals possess the ability to call up as many, often conflicting emotions in human beings as the orca. Sometimes known as “killer whales,” these remarkable creatures have sometimes been portrayed as killing machines that are to be feared for their adeptness as predators. More recently, growing […]

Educational Series: Overfishing is a Crisis for Marine Life

By Nick Engelfried The oceans are one of Earth’s great strongholds of biodiversity, home to hundreds of thousands of animal and plant species. From microscopic plankton to giant blue whales–the largest animals that ever existed–life in the oceans takes on a dizzying array of shapes and forms. Marine ecosystems are […]

Success: TripAdvisor Stops Peddling Marine Mammal Exploitation

TripAdvisor will no longer be selling tickets to marine parks where whales and dolphins are bred in captivity. This is an important step forward in not only the company’s animal welfare policy, but in pushing for better treatment of marine mammals. Thank TripAdvisor for no longer enabling the support of marine mammal cruelty.

Educational Series: Animals Are Intelligent Beings Who Need Our Help

By Nick Engelfried All too often, we humans are used to thinking of ourselves as the only species on Earth capable of advanced thought and emotion. However, as any pet owner has reason to know, many animals are much more intelligent and aware than we tend to give them credit […]

Success: Corporations to be Held Responsible for Destructive California Oil Spill

Hundreds of oil-soaked seabirds washed ashore and a marine wildlife sanctuary under deadly siege: these were dark remnants of a 2015 California oil spill that destroyed lives and livelihoods. Applaud California’s strong legal condemnation of this tragedy’s unrepentant perpetrators.

Success: Aquarium Agrees to Stop Keeping Sea Mammals Captive

The Vancouver aquarium has finally given in to public pressure from animal rights groups and will be ceasing their captivity of whales and dolphins. Captivity of these creatures has led to many deaths over the years, and it is a relief that this aquarium will help put an end to this. Sign this petition to thank the Vancouver Aquarium for taking a step forward regarding the well-being of sea mammals.

Success: Instagram to Ban Wildlife Selfies

Instagram is finally banning the posting of wildlife selfies, an exploitative trend that has been growing far too much within the past year. While the ban may not actively stop such pictures, it will no longer enable them and hopefully discourage tourists from taking them. Sign this petition to thank Instagram for putting animals first.

Success: Mexico Creates Enormous Protected Marine Reserve

A newly-created marine park will provide a pristine habitat for endangered sea turtles, whales, sharks, and manta rays. Applaud the Mexican government for protecting our oceans.

Educational Series: Oceanic Noise Pollution

[easy-social-share buttons=”facebook,mail” morebutton=”1″ counters=0 fullwidth=”yes” query=”yes”] 70 years ago, on July 26, 1946, the United States military set off a nuclear bomb underwater to test the effectiveness of their submarines to this kind of attack. The test went horribly wrong. The blast began as a giant hot bubble of gas […]

Educational Series: It’s 2018 and Countries are Still Killing Whales

[easy-social-share buttons=”facebook,mail” morebutton=”1″ counters=0 fullwidth=”yes” query=”yes”] Japan recently set out on their annual whaling mission to kill hundreds of minke whales in the name of scientific research. On these excursions, whales are shot with a grenade harpoon that is connected to a moving ship, causing them to die a slow […]

Success: Company Stops Selling Tickets to Cruel Animal Attractions

TripAdvisor has decided to end sales to cruel animal attractions, such as elephant rides and swimming with dolphins, on its website. Now, the company is trying to educate people on the negative effects that tourism has on wild animals. Sign this petition to thank the company for helping to prevent animal cruelty.

Success: Georgia Aquarium Will Not Import Beluga Whales

Eighteen wild beluga whales will no longer be imported from Russia to the Georgia Aquarium. Applaud this win for the animals and those who have worked to protect them.

Commend Arrest of Chefs for Serving Whale Meat

Two chefs have plead guilty to serving whale meat at their restaurants. They were caught after a filmmaker found out they were serving meat from these endangered animals. Sign this petition to applaud the effort to shut down this restaurant and put the chefs in jail.

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