Justice for Service Dog Burned and Blinded in Apparent Acid Attack

Target: Ed Gonzalez, Sheriff of Harris County, TX

Goal: Fully investigate alleged act of animal cruelty involving acid attack on service dog.

A beloved service dog allegedly became the victim of a sadistic acid attack. Gizmo, a Shih Tsu, was found outside his caretaker’s door in visible distress. To his service companion’s horror, burns seemingly covered him. A veterinarian later reported that Gizmo had been doused with a large quantity of a cleaning chemical called boric acid. Tragically, the poor pup’s injuries were so severe that he is now blind and will likely need both of his eyes surgically removed.

The injustice did not end here, however. Although Gizmo’s caretaker harbored strong suspicions about the perpetrators and although she reported this seeming act of cruelty to authorities, no action was immediately taken. The local police department reportedly initially dismissed her complaint, telling her they did not even investigate animal cruelty cases.

Justice must be done for this innocent dog. Sign the petition below to demand authorities reevaluate their priorities in regards to this serious crime.


Dear Sheriff Gonzalez,

Recently, your department allegedly rebuffed a woman who claimed a vicious acid attack had been perpetrated against her service dog. If this woman’s assertions are true, you told her that the police were not in the business of investigating animal cruelty. 42.092 “Cruelty of Non-Livestock Animals” of the Texas Penal Code would say differently. Under Loco’s Law, the most heinous of crimes could be classified as a felony. A victim injured so severely that his eyes must be removed would seemingly meet the very definition of aggravated cruelty.

This living being deserved to be treated with a true understanding of the gravity of the crimes committed against him, not as a nuisance or an afterthought. You are aware that some of the most sadistic perpetrators of brutality against humans begin their “experimentation” with animals. You must take these crimes seriously. As one of the largest Sherriff’s Offices in the United States, you must set a standard for law enforcement not only locally but across the country.

Expedite an investigation into this troubling case at once.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Denise Duplinski 


  1. Christine Eckerson says:

    This evil human needs to be punished asap!! Maybe throw acid in their eyes to see how it feels!! Just disgusting!! Please don’t turn your back on this Sheriff!!

  2. Texas, one notch above Mississippi (50th) when it comes to animal welfare and right up there for animal abuse – shameful and disgusting. This was an especially cruel and depraved thing to do to a defenseless animal and Texas should be going after the loser who is responsible for this before he decides to see how a person looks covered in boric acid. Doing nothing just proves all those suspicions about Texas – a third world state and worse

  3. Rhonda M Hodgman says:


  4. Alexandre Engelen says:

    Only jail for this person !!!

  5. Police want respect. Respect is earned. This avoidance by you and your department leaves a stain on police everywhere. Such a stain is ugly. It shows no concern for the people you supposedly protect. What if this were done to your child or your dog? It’s different then? Who ever did this crime needs to be found, convicted and thrown in prison for at least 10 years, never to be around animals again for life, and pay a stiff fine plus hospital bills for this dog. They do this in England to such perverts. Why not here as well? This is a felony and needs to be investigated as all felonies are investigated.

  6. Looked to see what place would tolerate this obscenity…. Texas. Yeah, it figures.

    Man up, sheriff. Catch, arrest, & punish the sub-humans who did this!

    Oh Wait….. Texas. Never mind…….

  7. Agree all comments catch and do the same to them. No excuse for any animal cruelty. Beat this fucker to death after throwing acid on him. Justice now.

  8. Kim Bradshaw says:

    Only in Texas. No animal rights what so ever. The person needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Wait this is Texas and the republican I party only cares about the open carry gun rights. There is no way I would ever spend a dime of my hard earnings by vacationing in any of these southern states

    • Terri Manabe says:

      I totally agree with your comment. Texas is a terrible state. Their laws are for shit and they are pathetic excuse for Police service there. I don’t know if all of Texas is this way, but this poor dog deserves JUSTICE as does this dogs owner.

  9. Evan Jane Kriss says:

    The Police Department is negligent in not investigating this as a crime, which it clearly is. And if they indeed don’t investigate crimes against animals, they should direct victims to the appropriate agency. Furthermore, the individual responsible for this heinous act is a danger to society. He must be found, prosecuted, remanded for psychiatric evaluation and MADE TO PAY ALL VET BILLS to restore this poor dog’s health as much as is possible.

  10. This is Texas, if these morons can’t kill it themselves they have no interest in animals. It is still part of their JOB but I guess not one of these tiny d*ck yahoos gives a crap.

  11. Raymond Stevens says:

    True justice would demand that the foul scum that did this should have acid thrown in his face before he goes to prison. Eye for an eys.

  12. Stephanie Geyser says:

    Next time, it will probably be a HUMAN whose eyes are burnt out with acid. So will the sheriff’s office only investigate then? But I have a question: Why was the service dog found “…..outside his caretaker’s door….”? Why was he outside? Service dogs are supposed to help/be with people – not be “outside” (separated from) their owners. So is there perhaps more to the story than we are being told?

  13. ANIMAL LIVES MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    MAX JAIL for this extremely VILE MONSTER!  I lack words to express my indignation at this DESENSITIZED, DEHUMANIZED, SADISTIC and  PSYCHOPATHIC Satan!  How can someone INFLICT such EXTREME SUFFERING on an innocent, and defenseless dog. The pain this dog went through is of DEVILISH DIMENSIONS!! This poor creature deserves JUSTICE.
    ANIMAL VIOLENCE shall be treated as any HUMAN VIOLENCE. Animals SHALL NOT BE VICTIMS — and they deserve JUSTICE just like YOU and ME!

  14. I agree with all the comments above. What kind of low-life has to hurt and blind a poor dog. The police could find out who did this, if they wanted to. Someone must know something about this attack and should report to the police. The person responsible for this heinous attack should be paying all the vet bills for this dog’s attack and he should be in jail for a very long time.

  15. Why so often is it Texas… What an absolutely repulsive disgrace! So many people try their hardest from all over the planet – signing petions, speaking out etc. However crucial to justice… It starts from within… Within yourself & within your community to stand up & actually force change.

  16. Julia Edinger says:


  17. What the hell is wrong with these people???–both the perpetrator and the police. What’s happened to this country? Is is just a collection of ignorant sadists? There is no excuse for any of these people. We need a complete revamp of our civilization. Perhaps the source will just wipe us out of existence and start over…

  18. Hey, Linda. I don’t think that “the source” would even consider trying again. At least 75% of humans are cruel and selfish. They don’t care about anyone or anything else but themselves. We need to change the animal abuse laws to try and deter the crazies from doing whatever that voice inside their heads tells them to do. Animals need rights!!!

  19. Carolyn Dougjas says:

    The cruel evil punks must be fiorced to suffer the exact same abuse – burns all over body snd permanent blindnesx. IN MY OPINION

  20. Instigation of the death penalty and nothing less must be performed on each and every animal abusing cretin worldwide! A slow and agonising death for these evil cretins is essential.

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